Vernissage-Einladung zur Tiefsee-Expedition von-Stolz-und-Keppler – am 9.Mai 2015

Am 9.Mai 2015, um 17Uhr ist es soweit, die Pforten der königlichen Tiefseeakademie in Sassnitz, Böttcherstr. 5, öffnen sich für großes Publikum. Hier schon ein paar erste Ein- und Ausblicke darauf.
Es erwarten Sie mit vielen Krakenarmen, Philippe Armando von Stolz (Expeditionsleiter) & Fräulein Jenniviève Ottilie Keppler (Zeichnerin und Kunstmalerin).

Tiefsee Einladung

Photo and Art of The Kraken by Philipp Stulz, Photo and Art of Fish Ink Drawing by Jenni Ottilie Keppler

Deep Sea Creature Project

Creating together. An exploration of the abyss.

A 9-day exploration of working on a theme, structure and work flow together. The result is still in the making, but we've started with some illustrations and sculptures (by project partner Philipp Stulz), made of shiny tin, and dark fireclay. The plan for the realization of my illustrations is to do screen-printing, so what you see here is not final at all yet. 

— Sassnitz, Rügen, Germany. July 21–29, exhibition planned for Spring 2015

OuiShapes Photobooth with Lucie Van Der Elst @ #OSFest14

In collaboration with friend and illustrator Lucie Van Der Elst we created a playful photobooth during the OuiShare Fest, Conference dedicated to the Collaborative Economy, that took place in Paris, May 5–7 2014. Through the DIY-OuiShapes Photobooth the Fest-Attendees had the chance to REALLY get in shape. Take a look and explore the collaborative and interactive spirit of creating playful sceneries together!

Lucie showing off with the Props!

Lucie showing off with the Props!

A BIG THANK YOU goes out to La Reserve Des Arts Paris for their support with recycled material waste, creating more sustainable material chains.

FOUND beautiful Bio-Degradable and Edible Christmas Decorations!