Results from the Evaluation Workshop

The workshop set out to provide orientation for the feasibility of implementing circular sanitation solutions in the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region (MABR). Previous to the workshop I engaged critical actors along the potential human nutrient cycle. Through semi-structured interviews and life-prototyping of soft systems models we identified barriers and pathways to establishing water-free sanitation with resource recovery (circular sanitation) on a regional scale on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. The outcome are the identification of three Starting Points for Action and one Impact Indicator for evaluating the progress.

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Exploring pathways for water-free sanitation solutions in the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region

My research, entitled “Exploring pathways for implementing Water-free Sanitation Solutions in the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region (MABR),” sees the current water-based sanitation system as part of a bigger socio-ecological system and aims to identify the dynamics and reasoning behind decisions that led to and sustain the current sanitation system. It also aims to identify barriers for transitioning to another system on different levels of governance. The goal is to inquire wisdom and knowledge about water-free sanitation (e.g. dry separation toilets, possibilities for composting and other resource recovery options etc.) from local residents, political, sociocultural and economic actors and experts in the field of sanitation and water-free sanitation. These different perspectives are gathered and merged into one holistic perspective visualized and communicated in the form of a systems model (causal loop diagram); a map of words/variables and arrows depicting relationships between the variables and the dynamics they create together. See the images below for examples.

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