Setting out Travel-DVDs of "VOICES OF TRANSITION"

// SHARING VOICES OF TRANSITION // Traveling the USA, July & August 2015


As I'm the kind of person, that feels guilty about leaving a giant CO2-print in the air by crossing the ocean, I do try to make up for that as much as I can by sharing inspiration and goodness as well as absorbing and receiving inspiration as much as I can, just like a sponge, wringing myself out when back home to share new ideas and what I've seen.

One of the goodness I wanted to share are the VOT-DVDs, that I set out. (I) One in on the East Coast in NYC, (II) one in the Midwest, in North Muskegon, MI and (III) one on the Amtrak Train (Zephyr) to California to someone who was headed from Denver, CO to Seattle, WA.

Voices of Transition is an inspiring documentary directed by Nils Aguilar, who is a co-worker of mine at Thinkfarm Berlin. I hope the important and inspiring messages of this film will be shared continously.